Julia’s Story: A Final Push, An Everlasting Pull

Julia was anticipating one of the most exciting and life-changing moments of her life.

She was expecting her first baby.

Julia was experiencing a wide range of emotions: excitement around starting a family with her fiancé Ryan, anticipation of the birth, concern about going through labour and delivery for the first time, but most of all joy about becoming a mom.

Julia’s Story: A Final Push, An Everlasting Pull

Julia’s Story: A Final Push, An Everlasting Pull. North York General. Here for Life.

Julia was anticipating one of the most exciting and life-changing moments of her life.

She was expecting her first baby.

Julia was experiencing a wide range of emotions: excitement around starting a family with her fiancé Ryan, anticipation of the birth, concern about going through labour and delivery for the first time, but most of all joy about becoming a mom.

All in the Family

There was no question in Julia’s mind as to where she was going to deliver. It would be the same hospital where her mother had helped deliver babies for 25 years: North York General Hospital (NYGH).

Julia’s mom had been a Labour and Delivery (L&D) nurse and many of the NYGH staff had known Julia her entire life. They had watched her grow up, and now that she was having a baby of her own, they were beyond excited for her. Julia considered the L&D staff her “second family” and wanted to share this life-defining moment with them. She trusted them fully with her care.

It was a full circle moment.

Support Every Step of the Way

Julia arrived at Labour & Delivery at NYGH at 3 p.m. on January 27, 2024, and was already experiencing intense contractions. She was grateful that her fiancé Ryan, and her mother were by her side for support, but the pain was overwhelming. She needed relief.

In a blink, a final push becomes a never-ending pull. North York General. Here for Life.

Thankfully the Labour & Delivery nurses triaged Julia quickly and gave her an epidural to make her feel more comfortable. Julia was in active labour for 15 hours. During that time, her main nurse, Sari, did everything to make the experience as comfortable as possible. Julia’s mom would have been caring for her patients in a similar compassionate manner.

When it was time for her delivery, Dr. Tiffany Ng, a family physician at North York General, who had been Julia’s doctor throughout her pregnancy, guided Julia through the entire delivery process, which reassured her she was in good hands.

Life Changed in a Blink

On January 28 at 5:58 p.m., Julia’s life changed in a blink when baby Isla was born.

Julia’s Story: A Final Push, An Everlasting Pull. North York General. Here for Life.

“Dr. Ng wanted to show me Isla’s face. But even though I was excited, I was initially afraid to look and said ‘no.’ In the moment, I wasn’t certain if my precious baby was okay and whether I was ready for this life-changing step. After the nurses cleaned up Isla, they brought her over and put her on my chest. I knew in my heart that Isla was meant to be with me.”

Julia, first-time mom

Julia enjoyed some skin-to-skin bonding time before another nurse, Mandy, cleaned her and prepared her to go to a Post-Partum room, where she and her fiancé stayed overnight with Isla. Even though she was trading sleep for breastfeeding every two-and-half to three hours, Julia didn’t mind at all. After feeding they would cuddle together, and Isla would fall back to sleep.

Isla is now two months old, and Julia says she is always smiling. The young family are truly grateful to NYGH for the exceptional care Julia received.

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