North York General Saved My 85-Year-Old Mother’s Life

I would like to tell you the story of how the tireless efforts of the health care team at NYGH saved my mother’s life.

On a snowy morning in late January, my 85-year-old mother was walking when she suddenly slipped and hit her head. Thankfully a passerby saw her and called 911 and she was transported to the Charlotte & Lewis Steinberg Emergency (ED) at NYGH.

North York General Saved My 85-Year-Old Mother’s Life

I would like to tell you the story of how the tireless efforts of the health care team at NYGH saved my mother’s life.

On a snowy morning in late January, my 85-year-old mother was walking when she suddenly slipped and hit her head. Thankfully a passerby saw her and called 911 and she was transported to the Charlotte & Lewis Steinberg Emergency (ED) at NYGH.

After arriving at the ED, my mother was cared for by Emergency Physicians Dr. Adrian Wu and Dr. Russell Tanzer, and we were notified that she had some confusion and needed some tests. The test results revealed that she had a fractured skull and internal bleeding. This made everything much more serious, and we were very concerned.

While in the ED, her condition then deteriorated even further, and she lost consciousness. The doctors were very honest yet caring and compassionate, and we were told that she might not survive, or if she did make it through, she may have severe cognitive impairment. Everything was happening so fast, and even though we remained hopeful, we started to prepare for the worst.

My mother was transferred from the ED and admitted into the Critical Care Unit of the hospital where she continued to be monitored. Neurologist Dr. Jerry Chen, Dr. Park, and Registered Nurse (RN) Amanda Nelson were just a few of the incredible people who provided us with updates and helped us so much during such a difficult time.

A few days after being admitted, Dr. Joshua Kosta, who had been tending to my mother, called with some good news. My mother had regained consciousness! My family member spoke to Charge Nurse Shuliang Wu and could hear his excitement when he said that my mother was improving. It gave us such comfort knowing how much they all cared about her.

My mother spent a total of three weeks at NYGH before being discharged, and while needing rehab and recovery time, she regained 90% of her cognitive function.

My family and I are truly grateful to the entire team at North York General who provided my mother with exceptional care from the start and treated her like their own family. To everyone who looked after her when she was most vulnerable, we commend and sincerely thank them all. It truly takes a village to provide a high standard of care, and my mother undoubtedly received this at NYGH.

NYGH saved my mom’s life. We are incredibly grateful the hospital is here for patients and families in life’s most defining moments and thankful for donors who have impacted emergency care by supporting new equipment, staff training and renovated spaces.

(Names have been withheld to protect patient privacy)

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