Charting Hope: ‘MyJourney’ App Has Expanded

In the blink of an eye, a breast cancer diagnosis can change the trajectory of a person’s life.

In that intense moment of disruption, the diagnosed individual is commonly confronted with a list of responsibilities and tasks, further compounding the stress of this challenging time.

Yet now, thanks to the generous assistance of the Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI) and their Innovating Digital Health Solutions Program, North York General’s very own MyJourney app has officially expanded — supporting the journey of breast cancer patients both within NYGH‘s walls and beyond.

Charting Hope: ‘MyJourney’ App Has Expanded

Charting Hope: NYGH’s ‘MyJourney’ App Ready to Revolutionize Breast Cancer Patient Care at North York General

In the blink of an eye, a breast cancer diagnosis can change the trajectory of a person’s life.

In that intense moment of disruption, the diagnosed individual is commonly confronted with a list of responsibilities and tasks, further compounding the stress of this challenging time.

Yet now, thanks to the generous assistance of the Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI) and their Innovating Digital Health Solutions Program, North York General’s very own MyJourney app has officially expanded — supporting the journey of breast cancer patients both within NYGH’s walls and beyond.

Dr. Fahima Osman, breast cancer surgeon at North York General Hospita

“Patients grappling with the initial impact of a breast cancer diagnosis face an array of appointments, tests, and consultations,” shares Dr. Fahima Osman, a breast cancer surgeon at North York General Hospital (NYGH) and innovative mind behind MyJourney.

“Not only has this platform helped to consolidate and curate that flow of information, but having MyJourney now integrated into our chemo clinic and expanded into Sunnybrook Hospital means an extra load will be lifted for so many patients.”

Guiding Light

MyJourney is a customized digital platform — conceived and created at NYGH — that will help patients on every step of their breast cancer journey by centralizing necessary information in one place and making it available to breast cancer patients and their families from the convenience of home.

The app will keep track of the patient’s appointments and treatment plans and allow them to communicate with their oncologists, surgeons and other members of the care team. From the hospital’s end, clinicians can use the platform to easily track each patient’s progress, automate workflows and connect with patients virtually.

“We want these patients to know that — as our new motto states — we are here, and we will be here, through it all, from diagnosis and on to life after treatment.”

The MyJourney App Developed at North York General
Personal by Design

Dr. Osman adds that the team took great care ensuring the platform didn’t feel like the average ‘medical app’. From the colours, to the interface, to the inspirational quotes that greet each user at the beginning of a session – every detail was carefully considered.

“One of the other exciting things about this app is that it’s designed to be highly personalized. In that way, the care team will be able to present you with the clearest and most specified journey possible.”

Along the way patients will have quick access to curated educational resources based on your age, type of breast cancer and stage of life, so that patients can make informed decisions as they continue their unique journey.

Powered by Philanthropy

MyJourney is NYGH’s latest innovation to improve outcomes and experiences for people living with breast cancer. The hospital’s comprehensive Breast Cancer Program is the first and only in Canada to be accredited by the American College of Surgeons in recognition of its rigorous quality standards at every step of the cancer care experience.

“It’s important to remember that an initiative like MyJourney would not have been possible without donor support, which provided the seed funding we needed to get this project off the ground,” says Dr. Osman. “My special thanks to Brad Badeau
for his generous funding.”

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