Generations of Care

After 24 years as a Registered Nurse at North York General Hospital (NYGH), Marieka Brown says she’s proudest to see the next era of nurses — many of whom she has trained — bringing skill, vibrancy and compassion to their roles on a daily basis.

From Nurse to Patient and Back Again: Mandy’s Story

Mandy Bhachhoo lives four minutes — door to door — from her nearest neighbourhood hospital. But on the day she brought her first baby into the world, she decided to take a detour.

One Year in a Blink: Seanna Millar Reflects on her First Year with the Foundation

It was ‘minute five’ of her first day as the President and CEO of North York General Foundation, when Seanna Millar realized, ‘this hospital is different.”

Your Impact on Research and Innovation (R&I)

By encouraging unique and depthful collaborations between clinicians and researchers at North York General (NYGH), the R&I program aims to translate their insights into improved care, safety, and health outcomes for patients and families.

My Healing Journey at North York General

It’s been 12 years since a terrible car accident changed my life in a blink, and my healing journey continues. Thankfully, North York General Hospital (NYGH) was there for me during this life-defining moment and continues to be here for me today.

Charting Hope: ‘MyJourney’ Extension Means App Ready to Revolutionize Breast Cancer Care.

In the blink of an eye, a breast cancer diagnosis can change the trajectory of a person’s life.

In that intense moment of disruption, the diagnosed individual is commonly confronted with a list of responsibilities and tasks, further compounding the stress of this challenging time.

From Facing Advanced Colon Cancer to Growing Our Family

When I was 29, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, recurring when I was 31. After beating it twice, I thought my health challenges were finally behind me. I was determined to live life to the fullest, which at 38 meant enjoying time with my wife and infant son, closing out my term as a school board trustee.

Your impact on cancer care

Given that one in two Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, it is essential to have access to exceptional cancer care closer to home. Donors to North York General (NYGH) enable the purchase of advanced diagnostic equipment and enhanced innovation for the over 5,000 patients with cancer that our teams treat every year.

Women caring for women at NYGH

Each and every day across North York General Hospital (NYGH), inspiring women are hard at work making a difference for our patients and their families. This International Women’s Day (IWD), we are celebrating the impact of female leaders by shining a spotlight on some of the incredible work being done by women, for women in our Maternal and Newborn program.

More living to do

My husband and I were on a trip in Ireland in 2017 when I first noticed a spot of blood in my stool. When it became more pronounced in 2018, my family doctor referred me to a Toronto hospital for a colonoscopy.